Corey Duffel se marcha de Foundation tras 18 años

Corey Duffel anuncia uno de esos movimientos que paralizan la industria, y todavía no hemos digerido la noticia. Después de 18 años patinando para Foundation, el skater pone fin a su carrera en esta firma y decide abandonar el barco, aunque sin ningún tipo de rencor, ni mal rollo, sino más bien todo lo contrario: «Las familias toman distintos caminos en la vida, pero siempre serán familia. No puedo expresar lo muy agradecido que estoy a Tod y FOSCKO por darme la oportunidad y cuidar de mí durante tantos años», ha publicado en Instagram.


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How to start this? where to begin? My entire adult life so far has been with Foundation Super Co. In 2001 they started sending me blank skateboards and wheels to see what I would do next. It was simple, I wanted to skateboard and move ahead of yesterdays papers. To be a part of a family. Over the next year I was put on the team and brought on my first tour as a 17 year old in school. I left for a bout three weeks on the road through the pacific northwest with the small team and special guest Dorian Tucker. Tony Silva, Jon West, Ethan Fowler, Daniel Shimizu. I was a part of something that was so incredibly awesome! I experienced a lot on this trip. It was my first time away from home for such a long time. I was acquainted to a lot of wild and experiences. Experience is something we like to call our mistakes. They were amazing nonetheless. For the past 18 years Foundation gave me a home to be myself, and live the life i dreamed of as a kid. To be a «professional» skateboarder. What it means? I don’t know? I do know it was one hell of a ride and I don’t know exactly what comes next. 18 years is a long time. Half my life. This is like leaving the nest for the first time again. Learning to fly. Feeling the wind in my wings and having blind faith that I am making the right decision and flying towards epic new horizons. Not looking for a sanctuary, but looking for new adventures and I know it will be a much different current than the one i’ve been on. I have no clue if this is the right decision, but in my heart i feel the only way i can continue to grow is by accepting change and looking forward to it. This was a decision made with love, and not hate. No animosity. Nothing but love for Tod Swank, Matt Barker, Nilo, Tara and the many others at Tumyeto who have been helping me out since I was a teen. They’ve watched me grow up. The team, the sales team. This is my family and they always will be. Families take different paths in life, but will always be family. I cannot express how much gratitude I have for Tod and FOSKCO for giving me a chance and taking care of me for the amount of years they have. I cry as i write this letter, and i have been thinking of how to ⬇️

Una publicación compartida de COREY DUFFEL (@coreyduffel) el

Corey recuerda con lágrimas mientras escribe ese texto cómo empezó todo en 2001, cuando empezó a recibir tablas y ruedas para ver cómo evolucionaba su patín, e incluso cuando le llevaron a su primer Tour cuando sólo tenía 17 años. Y aunque asegura no tener claro si es lo correcto, insiste en que tiene que aprender a volar y crearse su propio camino: «Esto es como dejar el nido por primera vez. Aprender a volar. Sentir el viento en mis alas, tener fe ciega en que estoy tomando la decisión correcta y volar hacia épicos nuevos horizontes.

Nosotros, por nuestra parte, recordamos el That’s Life de Corey con una añoranza que nos eriza la piel. Uno de los iconos del punk en el patín de hace unos buenos años. Un pionero patinando los handrails de esa manera, y ante todo: un gladiador que sabe cómo morder el polvo.

No se acaba el mundo, ni se retira como patinador, pero la ruptura entre Corey Duffel y Foundation… es un bombazo que sorprende y mucho.

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