Damn AM: Costa Mesa ’15 // Finals

En el O’Marisquiño alucinamos porque un chaval de 17 años les dio una lección a los demás, pero este mismo fin de semana en Estados Unidos ha sucedido lo mismo con uno de 15 años. Wacson Mass dio la sorpresa, acababa de llegar de Brasil y… ¡Boom! Reventó el park.


At O’Marisquiño we were flipping out cause there was a 17 years old showing how to do it to the seniors, but this weekend, in the US, it happened the same with a 15 years old kid. Wacson Mass surprised the whole crowd. He just arrived to North America from Brazil and… BOOM! He killed it.

Winning Run:

Wacson Mass wins Damn Am Costa Mesa 201515 year old Wacson from Brazil was only five days into his first trip to the US when he took the win yesterday at #DamnAm Costa Mesa. #StreetLeague

Posted by Street League Skateboarding on Lunes, 10 de agosto de 2015

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